Southern War Songs Camp-Fire, Patriotic & Sentimental

200+ Song Lyrics Collected, Arranged & Illustrated, By W. L. Fagan - online songbook

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But they say he 's a shrewd fellow
Who knows a soldier well, And stood by Sidney Johnston
Until in death he fell; "If Johnston is no general,
Then, gentlemen, I've none," He said to those who grumbled,
When Donelson we won.
And I don't believe that Jackson's Resignation he'll accept—
Hallo ! ! !—A rebel picket— How close the rascal crept !
" Say, stranger, is it true That Jackson has resigned !"
*' Well, yes—I reckon so—
Heard somethin' of the kind."
"What for? Did old Jeff Davis
Put a sub. above his head ?" "No—they took away his commissary,
So I've heard it said." " Well, we are glad to hear it,
And will tender them our thanks, But who was Jackson's commissary?"
" Your Major-General Banks."
" Confound your rebel impudence!
He'd be very smart indeed, If from supplies for one intended,
Two armies he could feed."
Southern Illustrated News, April, 1863.